Interns at the Azusa House of Prayer (AZHOP) will spend a focused season of their lives worshiping Jesus, studying God’s Word, engaging in works of justice, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, and contending for the full release of God’s kingdom purposes.

In this day and hour, the Holy Spirit is raising up those who love God with all their hearts, minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, and impact their generation. The “call” and the “yes” in these passionate hearts must be blended with focused preparation for this great journey, through biblical instruction, personal encounter, and spiritual impartation.
Interns will be taught to know that they were created to love God and be loved by Him, prompting their hearts to soar with confidence in His abundant grace, so they don’t give up on the journey when they feel the despair of their own weakness and failure.
Our internship is being structured to see this generation filled with the Word of God, ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit, passionate in intercession, and committed to outreach and service. Our vision is to work in relationship with the larger Body of Christ in the city of Azusa, California and the San Gabriel Valley, to serve the Great Commission, as we seek to walk out the two great commandments to love God and people.
Our internship will have a purposefully structured, length, schedule, and time of day, with the central training components of corporate prayer meetings, classroom instruction, practical ministry experience, service and outreach, and the chance to be involved on worship teams.
Biblical teaching will focus on intimacy with Jesus, ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, the forerunner ministry, evangelizing the lost, justice, and outreach. Interns will also receive practical, hands-on training in the prophetic and healing ministries.
Stay tuned - our internships are almost here!