Worship at the Azusa House of Prayer
Interested in joining a AZHOP Worship Team?
Give us a call, send us an email or text and we’ll set you up you must first attend our mandatory class called “Intro to AZHOP Worship.” This class is also held at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month in the AZHOP prayer room. In additions, singers and musicians must also attend one of our auditions. Auditions are typically held the first Saturday morning of the month but other arrangements can be made if necessary.
To start the process of becoming a worship leader at AZHOP you must do two things. First, attend Intro to AZHOP Worship—a training offered the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the prayer room. Next, come to one of the monthly Worship Auditions.
When can I try out for at the audition?
We offer auditions once a month on the 1st Saturday of the month from 10am-Noon in the prayer room. Sign-ups begin at 10am sharp. All those auditioning must be signed in and present for the orientation which starts at 10:15. Sign-up and audition order is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you arrive before 10:15, you will be guaranteed an audition. Arriving later than 10:15, you will not be guaranteed an audition, but we will acommodate you if time allows.
What can I try out for at the audition?
We audition singers, musicians that play any type of instrument, and worship leaders. You can try out for more than one position. Solo performers and bands are welcome, but we will audition band members separately and not together.
What can I expect at the auditions?
Audition format:Auditions will begin with a live example of the audition process. If you are auditioning as a musician to play an instrument, you will play along with our Worship Director on several worship songs in different tempos and key signatures.
Musicians will be tested on your ability to play by ear and your ability to read chord charts. You are welcome to use our acoustic guitar, keys, bass, or congas, but if you play another instrument please bring your instrument with you.
Worship leading auditions, include singing a known song that we will provide at the audition as well as singing harmony (2nd and 3rd parts). In addition, you will choose from one of five scripture verses we will have available at the auditions to sing. You will then sing the Scripture you choose, word for word, and if you are only singing, you will sing along with a chord progression the Worship Director plays.
For Worship Leader auditions you will play your instrument and sing at the same time (to sing Scripture, please bring your own Bible to the audition). Finally, you will be asked to develop a singable spontaneous chorus out of the Scripture you sang so others can join in.
IMPORTANT: AZHOP requires a pastoral reference as part of the approval process.
AZHOP Leadership reserves the right to make any changes/adjustments to these requirements without prior notice.
AZHOP Worship Leader Application

AZHOP Worship
The purpose and heart of AZHOP Worship is to minister to and exalt Jesus through worship intercession. The prayer room is designed to facilitate corporate adoration and agreement with who Jesus is, and what He wants to do. In Isaiah 55, the Lord declares through the prophet that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. Our central prayer is to be in agreement with His higher ways and thoughts as Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10 - “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

The distinctives of AZHOP Worship
Spontaneity – We make room for the Holy Spirit to direct us in spontaneous choruses, prayers, and melodies of the heart throughout our worship/prayer watches.
Repetition – For all eternity choruses are repeatedly sung day and night around the throne of God. The prophet Isaiah and the apostle John, in their heavenly visions, heard the same song hundreds of years apart. It seems that God enjoys repetition. In addition, repetition helps everyone in the room come into agreement.
The Word of God – Paul encouraged the church at Colossae in Colossians 3:16 to, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
At AZHOP, we emphasize singing the Word and taking time to spontaneously respond to Scripture as we lead worship.

The variety of Worship at AZHOP
Worship With the Word
Worship with the Word is a prayer format in which we agree with God’s heart as we sing the biblical truths of who God is and what His promises are. These sessions are more devotional in nature, providing an atmosphere conducive to reading the Bible and entering into contemplative or devotional prayer.
Corporate Worship
Led by a full band, these times are for the entire room to engage in worship.
Intercession sets are usually energetic, as the room is invited to engage in corporate prayer. There is generally a specific prayer focus, and individuals in the room are welcome to pray on the microphone for a corporate burden, which may involve the Los Angeles region or other specific topics. The worship leader and singers will respond with that which is prayed and develop a chorus that the entire room can sing.
Devotional Worship
These worship sets are acoustic in nature and create an atmosphere in which a person can have personal devotion and meditation.

More on becoming a worship leader at AZHOP
The process for consideration of becoming a worship leader at AZHOP is two-fold:
Step one: Attend “Intro to AZHOP Worship” — our training offered the first Thursday of the month at 7pm in the prayer room (see Events page for details).
Step two: Participate in our monthly Worship Auditions.
Offered on the 1st Saturday of the month from 10am-noon in the worship room. Sign-ups begin at 10am - sharp, and all who want to audition must be signed in and present for the orientation at 10:15.
This is offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, and those who arrive before 10:15 will be guaranteed an audition. If you arrive later than 10:15, we will accommodate you if time allows, but you will not be guaranteed an audition.
What to audition:
We audition singers, musicians that play any type of instrument, and worship leaders. You can try out for more than one position. Solo performers and bands are welcome, but band members will be audition separately and not together.
Audition format:
Auditions will begin with a live example of the audition process. If you are auditioning as a musician to play an instrument, you will play along with our Worship Director on several worship songs in different tempos and key signatures. Musicians will be tested on your ability to play by ear and your ability to read chord charts. You are welcome to use our acoustic guitar, keys, bass, or congas, but if you play another instrument please bring your instrument with you.
Worship leading auditions, include singing a known song that we will provide at the audition as well as singing harmony (2nd and 3rd parts). In addition, you will choose from one of five scripture verses we will have available at the auditions to sing. You will then sing the Scripture you choose, word for word, and if you are only singing, you will sing along with a chord progression the Worship Director plays.
For Worship Leader auditions you will play your instrument and sing at the same time (to sing Scripture, please bring your own Bible to the audition). Finally, you will be asked to develop a singable spontaneous chorus out of the Scripture you sang so others can join in.
IMPORTANT: AZHOP requires a pastoral reference as part of the approval process.
AZHOP Leadership reserves the right to make any changes/adjustments to these requirements without prior notice.